Jaecks 60th

Featured in: May 2015


Celebrating 60 years of married life turned out to be more than a one-day celebration on a specific date.

Lenard and Lois Jaecks were united in marriage on June 7, 1953, in the Merrill (Wis.) Church. When there was talk about celebrating the 60th anniversary, it was decided rather than having relatives come together in one place, Pastor Lenard and Lois Jaecks would participate in celebration activities by driving during the 60th year to various parts of the United States.

The first event was a special Mexican meal prepared by Carmen, their daughter-in-law, and hosted at the home of her and the Jaeckses' son, Steve, in Collegdale, Tenn. Next they headed to Lois’ girlhood home in central Wisconsin. Several days were spent with a large number of Lois’ relatives from the Iattoni family. Lenard and Lois enjoyed the special 60th celebrations where they had courted and became engaged.

Since the Jaeckses also live part of the year in Salem, Ore., another event was planned at the home of their son, Ron, and wife, Kelli. Kelli prepared a unique celebration supper, the prime ingredient being asparagus.

Another trip was planned to western Washington State where the couple worked for about 20 years. Lenard's last assignment was as Washington Conference president. The celebration activity involved visiting friends and the new conference office with a large number of conference staff present.

Another highlight was when Ron and Kelli helped plan a trip for Lenard and Lois to northern Wisconsin, where the couple spent their honeymoon at a lakeside cabin near Mercer, Wis. Even though the celebration reached into the 61st year, it was a fitting way to close the anniversary activities when Ron and Kelli helped the Jaeckses find the honeymoon cabin and pose for pictures in the lakeside cabin.

The Jaeckses are retired after serving in five conferences and four unions and a period of service for the General Conference as the Historic Adventist Village director in Battle Creek, Mich.