Freitas 70th


Featured in: May 2015


Bob and Beth Freitas celebrated 70 years of marriage with their children on Oct. 26, 2014, at their home. They had a few close friends over as well for a delicious spaghetti dinner made by their son-in-law.

Bob met Beth Evans during high school in Fort Jones, Calif., and were married on June 25, 1944 in Reno, Nev., while Bob was in the armed services. The early part of their career was working for the Upper Columbia Conference at Upper Columbia Academy in Spangle, Wash., for 16 years. While Bob was there he received his master’s degree in industrial arts. 

The last 20 years before retirement were spent in the Washington Conference at Auburn Adventist Academy as teachers and administrators. At both academies, in addition to teaching and sometimes included in his teaching, Bob built the industrial arts buildings, many of the faculty homes and other buildings on the two campuses. 

The Freitas family includes daughters Karen Hackett and Patti Walker and a son, Robert Freitas.