Campbell 65th

Featured in: June 2017


Dean and Ruth (Reed) Campbell celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on the Oregon coast New Year’s weekend with all their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They met at Rogue River Academy and were married Dec. 29, 1951, in Medford, Ore., after their high school graduation.

After a few years in the army Dean worked at various jobs until 1973, when he started his own business building homes. The highlight of his building career started in 1978 when he began building many schools and churches with Maranatha Volunteers International in the U.S., Mexico and several other countries.

Ruth worked various jobs while being a stay-at-home mom with their four children. Then in 1969 she went back to school and graduated in 1972 with an associate degree in nursing. She worked at several hospitals in ICU units and joined Dean at many Maranatha projects.

The weekend was organized and hosted by their daughter Jackie Campbell Davis from Grants Pass, Ore., and was attended by their three sons and their daughters-in-law — Brett Campbell of Post Falls, Idaho; Victor and Ana Campbell of Walla Walla, Wash.; and Bruce and Jeane Campbell of Post Falls, Idaho — plus 9 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.

Ruth and Dean now live in Post Falls, Idaho, near their two youngest grandchildren and two of their sons, while waiting for Jesus to return.