Reed 60th


Jim and Kay Reed

Featured in: May/June 2019

REED 60th

Jim and Kay were married Dec. 25, 1958, in Happner, Ore., at the Adventist church, with Elder Huntington officiating.

Shortly after, Jim was drafted into the U.S. Army. They moved to San Antonio, Texas, where Jim was assigned to Brooks Army Medical Centers research unit for two years. Kay went to Durham's Business College and later worked for Pitney-Bowes.

Upon Jim's discharge from the service they moved to Juneau, Alaska, where Jim was in charge of the laboratory for Saint Ann's Hospital. Kay worked for the state of Alaska at the Department of Labor and the Employment Service. After five years they moved back to Oregon, with their 2-year-old daughter, Rohna.

They moved to Lafayette, Ore., and started attending the McMinnville Church.

Jim went into construction and later worked for HDR Engineering as a project representative. He retired in 2000, then worked for Clean Water Services as their project representative until 2006 when he retired again and finished their home that he was remodeling.

Kay worked for several insurance companies and ended up working for the state of Oregon as an auditor before retiring in 2002.

They spent their 60th anniversary with daughter and son-in-law, Rohna and Daryl Proctor, and grandson Brandon and his wife, Emily; and granddaughter Kaytie and her husband, Sean Logan of Frisco, Texas.

In January they celebrated their 60th with the McMinnville Church family and enjoyed cake and good wishes.