Jan Stanford Doward

Featured in: August 2016

DOWARD — Jan Stanford, 90; born Oct. 19, 1925, Seattle, Wash.; died Feb. 7, 2016, Ferndale, Calif., after a long illness. Surviving: wife, Loneva (Thompson); daughter, Melody; and 6 grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews.

Parents: Orton and Ruth Peregrine Doward

Married: Loneva Thompson on Jan. 22, 1946

Military: WWII Veteran, U.S. Army, February 1944 to April 1946

Education: B.A. History from Walla Walla College in 1950; M.A. Church History from Andrews University in 1969

Career: teacher/principal in the Washington Conference, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists assistant youth director for 10 years, author of 14 published books, producer of films and documentaries, and church pastor

Jan, while in the Army, came to a living relationship with God and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church to which he spent his life in dedicated service. He served as teacher/principal for 20 years in Washington and Southeaster California Conferences. Worked diligently for 10 years writing and producing books and films for the youth department. He was an author for most of his life with 14 books published. Jan and his wife, Lonnie, gave 24 years of dedicated volunteer service in pastoral leadership of the Petrolia Church after Jan's retirement. Jan loved nature and spent many hours feeding birds and animals at his Ferndale home. His greatest passion was service to his Lord and his Church.

Jan was predeceased by his parents, a daughter (Daphne) and a sister (Dona Dartnall).