Minnie Wagemen 100th

Featured in: January 2016


On Oct. 11, 2015, approximately 100 relatives and friends gathered at the fellowship hall of the Newport (Wash.) Church. They were there to help celebrate the Oct. 13 100th birthday of longtime church member Minnie Wageman. Relatives in attendance came from different parts of the United States and from as far away as Alaska, Hawaii, London and Australia. 

Festivities included a time for fellowship, reminiscing and enjoying special music. The Loren Munson family sang "How Great Thou Art" and Steve Cromwell, pastor, played a medley of favorite songs on his saxophone. Daughter Lou Heinrichs organized a special meal of lasagna, salad and juice with birthday cake for dessert. As a special touch, Minnie handed a rose (from a bouquet of 100 given to her by her family) to each guest as they left the party.

Minnie, whose parents came from Russia, was born in 1915 in Montana. She married Fred Wageman in 1935, and they raised four children: Lillian, Lou, DeLila and Jim. 

In 1950, the family moved from southern Idaho to the Usk, Wash., area where Fred engaged in farming. Fred passed away at the age of 88 in 2001. 

Minnie has 10 grandchildren and many great-great-grandchildren. She still keeps active today living at her own home in Usk, raising a garden (until a couple of years ago) and loving to bake and share her cookies. Minnie loves her Lord and prays daily for all of her kids and grandchildren.