Andrew Carrington

Name: Andrew Carrington

Birthplace: Georgetown, Guyana

Home: Renton, Washington

Parents: Father, Winslow, medical technologist. Mother, Eugeine, registered nurse. They live in Cleveland, Ohio.

“My parents sacrificed a lot for me, my brothers and sisters. They came to the U.S. five years before we kids did. They did that so we could have a better life. My father was a tremendous example to me in that he was the head elder at our church for 20 years and was well respected.”

High School: Collingwood High School, Cleveland, Ohio. Graduated 1983.

College: Oakwood College, Huntsville, Alabama. Graduated in 1987 with a major in history and a minor in political science.

“There was no question if I would go to college. Education was important to my parents and it was a foregone conclusion that I would go to Oakwood. Oakwood not only prepared me for my profession but for life as well. I met my wife at Oakwood and most of the close friends I have today are Oakwoodites who I still keep in contact 20 years later. Oakwood was a pivotal point in my life which not only prepared me for my occupation but also prepared me spiritually for the work we do in our church.”

Graduate School: Howard University School of Law, Washington, D.C. Graduated in 1990.

Occupation: Attorney at Law and managing partner of Carrington–Nuamah, P.C., specializing in personal injury cases.

Hobbies: Golf, tennis, and working out at the gym.

Spouse: Mattie McDonald Carrington graduated from Oakwood College with an associate degree in office administration and is a homemaker and substitute teacher at Kirkland (Washington) Adventist School.

Married: September 2, 1990.

Children: Alexandria, 13, Nia, 8, and Andrew Jr., 5.

Church Membership and Offices: The Carringtons are members of the Mt. Tahoma Church, Tacoma, Washington. Andrew is an elder, the personal ministries director, chair of the finance committee, and sits on the church building committee and the church board. He also serves on the Washington Conference Executive Committee. Mattie is a Primary Sabbath School teacher, head usher, works in the treasury department and is a counter.

Philosophy: Andrew is a servant leader. He sees his leadership as an opportunity to serve the members of the church and community. “It is not a burden or an obligation.” As busy as he and Mattie are, they find a way to mesh their personal, professional and church life.

“I attribute my success to God. I had great parents, great teachers and great mentors. In the final analysis, any of our success is because God has blessed us. God blesses us when we are faithful to Him and when we prepare ourselves. You have to prepare yourself for success and that includes having a seriousness of purpose and endeavoring to excel in whatever you do.”

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Featured in: February 2007
