Charity Baseball Game

On Sabbath, March 7, 2009, the Upper Columbia Conference hosted an IMPACT — UNLEASH THE POWER OF KINDNESS Sabbath in Tri-Cities, Washington. David Jamieson, keynote speaker, gave out seven $100 bills (supplied by the UCC) to seven individuals. According to Patty Marsh, UCC Community Service director, the initial $700 has multiplied to over $3,900.

Laura and Todd Pascoe, from the Pleasant Valley (Ore.) Church, attended the IMPACT weekend. They were moved to go forward and accept an assignment; however they didn't feel they should since their home church is in Oregon. "I didn't think an outsider should take UCC money," says Laura. Then a few weeks later they visited the Vancouver (Washington) Church (in the Oregon Conference), a call was made for 30 to respond. They leapt from their seat.

"But . . . they soon discovered when we 'do battle for the Lord' even in something good/fun, lots of research, abundant faith, prayer and hard work are required," says Marsh. "For a couple of weeks, they hit dead ends and discouragement. But in the end, God blessed beyond their expectations. And they are making plans to repeat the process next year. Todd is a defense attorney, and many of the participants were from the legal community — defenders, prosecutors, bail bondsman, jailers ..."

Thanks to the Vancouver Church's $100 seed money, Clark County's neediest children (as determined by DSHS), the Pregnancy Resource Center and two dozen other local agencies will receive a $1,200 donation, and four book sets of Etta Degering's My Bible Friends. The contribution will be given through Northwest Children's Outreach

Through the tournament, ten teams raised $1,548.50. Because of the IQ Credit Union's sponsorship and two private donors, game costs were minor ($75 for field rental, and $150 for a re-usable sign). One team was sponsored by a local dentist, enabling some participants to play on a "real" field for the first time. Games were played on Saturday night and Sunday at Delta Park. Special thanks goes to Ron Boley who enthusiastically provided the fields.

The UCC saw individual and creative use of KAs. These included one project for a Costa Rican mission, another for Operation Backpack (delivered through the Agape House), Willow— a flower growing ministry, a bake sale which netted dividends four-fold and more. In summary, Marsh quotes Isaiah 55:8-11: "They'll do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them" (The Message).

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Featured in: January 2010
