Constituents Affirm Northwest Leadership

While more than 250 delegates from all six conferences: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Upper Columbia and Washington, paused on September 11 to reflect back on the tragic events of a decade earlier, they spent the remainder of the day focused on opportunities ahead for the Adventist mission in the Northwest.

They gathered on the campus of Walla Walla University for the quinquennial constituency session of the North Pacific Union Conference. They heard Dan Jackson, North American Division president, issue a call in his devotional for selfless service and Christ-centered passion for the gospel message. They listened as each NPUC officer recounted the progress of the past five years and the challenges ahead for the next term.

Then delegates voted overwhelmingly to re-elect all three officers for another five-year term: Max Torkelsen II, president; John Loor Jr., executive secretary; and Mark Remboldt, treasurer.

Some expressed a desire to include the NPUC vice presidents in future constituency elections. Currently, the NPUC vice presidents for education, Hispanic ministries and regional affairs, along with all other departmental directors, are appointed at the union executive committee meeting immediately following a constituency session. After an extended discussion, delegates voted to stay with the current process.

During the afternoon, one hour was devoted to convening the Walla Walla University Constituency Session.

In remarks to the NPUC delegates, Torkelsen outlined several objectives for the next five years including:

Increased resources channeled to frontline mission efforts;

Stewardship education and leadership development;

Technological advances for evangelism;

Attention to major urban mission fields of the Northwest;

Reclamation of former members;

Empowering youth for church mission;

Training and empowering all members;

Mission Institute for Bible-worker training;

Growth in Adventist education.

These objectives were each dependent, Torkelsen said, on the theme of the session — a Power Surge of Spirit-led Ministry. He called on each delegate and member to open their hearts to the Holy Spirit's direction in the critical days ahead.

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Featured in: November 2011
