Department Report

Fast Facts

Hispanic membership and tithe have both increased 15 percent over the last five years.

The ratio of Hispanic Seventh-day Adventists to the Northwest population is now 1:156.

The Northwest population of people of Hispanic origin jumped to 1,449,567.


The NPUC vice president for Hispanic ministries works with local conferences to foster evangelistic activity and visioning for the future.


To support local conferences and their Hispanic pastors in fulfilling the great Gospel Commission of Jesus Christ.

What's Been Accomplished

Quality Pastors — Worked with local conferences and churches to hire high-quality, committed pastors as leaders for growing Hispanic churches.

Communication — Produced "ACCION," a monthly Spanish-language feature in the GLEANER.

Local Evangelism — Hosted the North American Division Hispanic Net meetings held October 23–31, 2009, in Portland, Oregon. More than 350 people were baptized just that week in the NPUC.

Church Funds — Coordinated subsidies from the NAD and the NPUC for purchasing or remodeling more than 10 buildings for Hispanic churches.

Student Funds — Coordinated and distributed funds to help place Hispanic Adventist students in Adventist schools.

Advisory — Aided conferences and members in the process of hiring pastors and workers, as well as in other personnel issues.

Schools of Evangelism — Provided workshops to train members in personal and public evangelism. Several schools of evangelism have been started to train, equip and inspire lay leaders for service.

Multicultural Churches — The challenge of reaching out to second-generation Hispanics has now turned into a tremendous opportunity. Several multicultural churches with Spanish flavor are being planted throughout the union.

The Challenges Ahead

Second-generation Hispanics — We must continue to find creative and innovative ways to reach this group.

Hispanic Education — We are currently seeking ways to help about 130 Hispanic students afford an Adventist edcuation each year.

Church Building — We must find more ways to provide church buildings for this growing segment of our membership.

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Featured in: September 2011
