Feature Sidebar - Appointments with God

Divine appointments happen when ordinary people seek God in prayer and allow Him to work in their lives in extraordinary ways. These stories have a three-part trend:

Stop: Seek Jesus

Yield: Pray for the Holy Spirit

Go: Take Jesus to the world

The beauty of divine appointments is that it's not an organized program. It's a God-thing.

Where divine appointments provide the inspiration for Washington's lifestyle evangelism focus, "Stop, Yield and Go" provides a focused structure for every department and ministry. As a result, members and leaders at all levels are praying for God's leading and the Holy Spirit's blessing—and watching divine appointments unfold.

Consider these stories:

Andrew Michell was only 16 when he was arrested as a theft accomplice. He was incarcerated at McNeil Island where his only "entertainment" was a Bible and a radio program called Amazing Facts. The more he studied, the more he learned about God and how God could set him free—even though he was still in prison. His personal study, coupled with the ministry of several conference members helped solidify his faith. At 26, Andrew was released. His full story is featured in an upcoming Northwest Spotlight on Mission DVD feature.

Adrian Petreaca is pastor at the Renton Church. Early one morning as he was studying his Bible and praying, he felt impressed to go to the church—even though it was 6 a.m. A couple arrived soon after looking for information about the Adventist church. Adrian talked and prayed with them and invited them to come back the following Sabbath. The couple, Bill and Sandy Schneider, came, and they've been coming ever since.

Nearly three years ago, David and Gaylene Wolkwitz (who both work in trust services) moved to Auburn and met their new neighbor. In that first driveway conversation, Dave felt impressed to pray with Tim and offered to explain any questions Tim had about the Bible. Prayer regularly surrounded "Neighbor Tim" as he faced health challenges, drug and alcohol addictions, and spiritual battles. During the Ron Halvorsen Sr. Snapshots of the Savior series in Auburn, Tim gave his heart to God. Tim died just before Thanksgiving, and Dave and Gaylene are thankfully looking forward to being neighbors with him in heaven.

Throughout the ages, God has been guiding history and placing the right people in the right place at the right time. Hadassah grew up to become Queen Esther, and saved the Jewish people in Persia. God called Philip away from a successful crusade to explain scripture to a traveling Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8). Cornelius, a Roman centurion, asked God to open the doorways to make a difference (Acts 10), and helped Peter launch a new stage of church growth among Jews and Gentiles.

Wherever you are, consider that God is waiting to work through your life. Stop and take time to seek Jesus. Be willing to yield to the Holy Spirit's leading. Then go—share your faith in your everyday activities and see how God opens doors and invites you to participate in divine appointments. After all, It's All About Jesus.

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Featured in: February 2008
