Hispanic Ministries

Fast Facts

Hispanic membership and tithe have both increased 15 percent over the last five years.

The North Pacific Union Hispanic membership as of 2016 is 13,171.

There are 72 Hispanic congregations and 35 pastors always seeking for ways to advance the kingdom of God in the Northwest.


To support local conferences and their Hispanic pastors in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.


The NPUC vice president for Hispanic ministries works with conference leadership to foster evangelistic activity and visioning for the future of the Hispanic work.

What's Been Accomplished

QUALITY PASTORS — Worked with local conferences and churches to hire high-quality, committed pastors as leaders for growing Hispanic churches. The NPUC is blessed by having one of the most hardworking and committed pastoral teams in the North American Division.

COMMUNICATION — Produced "Acción," a monthly Spanish-language feature in the Gleaner.

LOCAL EVANGELISM — The NPUC provided thousands of dollars to Hispanic churches to help with their evangelistic meetings. Each Hispanic pastor traditionally holds one to two evangelistic meetings a year.

CHURCH FUNDS — Between $30,000 and $40,000 sent each year from NAD/NPUC combined funds have helped remodel, repair or purchase more than 10 church buildings.

STUDENT FUNDS — Coordinated and distributed funds to help place Hispanic Adventist students in Adventist schools.

ADVISORY — Aided conferences and members in the process of hiring pastors and workers, as well as in other personnel issues.

SCHOOLS OF EVANGELISM — Provided workshops to train members in personal and public evangelism.

MULTIETHNIC CHURCHES — Planted several multiethnic churches to reach second- and third-generation Hispanics with English-language services.

The Challenges Ahead

SMALL GROUPS — Training our ministerial team and congregations in a way to grow stronger and more relevant through the work of cell-groups — a setting where individuals' personal, spiritual and social needs are met by a small community of believers.

CHILD INVOLVEMENT — Training our membership to involve the younger generation, including our children, to take active participation in the weekly programing of the local churches.

ADVENTIST EDUCATION — Keeping our Hispanic youth within the Adventist educational system, where they can learn about and adopt our vision and mission. The potential to double and triple our congregations in the next five to 10 years is achievable.

REPRESENTATION — Giving Hispanic leaders a place at the administrative table and strategic committees where their phenomenological experiences can be expressed and heard.

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Featured in: September 2016
