
In the Northwest there are about 13 million people and 90,000 Seventh-day Adventists, a ratio of 1:144.

On average, one person is baptized each year for every 33 current members.

Sixty percent of the Northwest's population live in the ten largest metro areas. About 40 percent live in metro Seattle and Portland.

There are 430 pastors in the NPUC to assist members in carrying out their mission

The North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) believes that the core of the Adventist mission is at each local church. The ministerial department exists to encourage local conferences and members throughout the Northwest that a) We must enter new territory until every neighborhood, town and city is entered; b) Every church, school, pastor, teacher and member has a part to play; c) and that God will give courage, baptisms and financial assistance if we trust Him and His Word.

The NPUC ministerial department is committed to helping our local conferences take the Adventist message to everyone living in the Northwest and beyond.

Jac and 'dena Colon

Richard and Mary Halversen

Lyle and Peggy Albrecht

Ongoing Training—Provided regular information and training through on-site workshops in each conference and through monthly e-newsletters.

Global Mission—Organized annual mission opportunities for pastors and members to participate in evangelism in such diverse places as the Dominican Republic, The Philippines, India and Bolivia.

Local Evangelism—NPUC Evangelists have assisted with 70 major reaping meetings according to conference requests.

Soul Winning—More than 13,000 new believers have been welcomed into the Adventist church over the past five years. Pastors and many lay leaders have been given training in how to implement a regular harvest cycle in their congregations.

Leadership Development—On-site seminars in each conference, 20 Andrews Seminary extension classes hosted by the NPUC, and the annual Ministerial Network Retreat involving conference and college ministry leaders, have helped build a growing sense of commitment.

Momentum—In order to give the Adventist message to every person in the Northwest, we have initiated a new plan to involve every pastor, teacher, church, school and member in a simple but intentional cycle of soul-winning evangelism.

Global Mission—We will continue the NPUC commitment to partner in annual evangelism projects with our worldwide sisters and brothers until Jesus comes.

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Featured in: August 2006
