
The North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) executive secretary wears several other hats, including coordination of stewardship and health programs, as well as leading out in the activities and events of the Northwest Institute for Mission and Ministry.

Besides providing periodic stewardship emphasis stories in the GLEANER, this office will introduce the new North American Division stewardship series to Northwest pastors this fall, provide promotional support for the "Get a Financial Life" series offered through the trust department, and provide consultation and continuing education for conferences upon request.

Healthwise, the NPUC staff has joined one or two other Northwest conferences in a Fit4Him wellness program that not only promotes good health practices and exercise among employees, but should also eventually reduce medical costs.

With the coordination of Sue Patzer, the Northwest Institute of Mission and Ministry will continue sponsoring and promoting Faith in Focus weekend presentations in each local conference featuring some of the denomination's leading theologians and speakers. The strong women’s ministries programs in many of our local conferences will also be supported and encouraged by the NPUC.

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Featured in: August 2006
