
Christian stewardship includes cultivating healthy families, as illustrated in this guideline statement voted by the General Conference.

"The Bible clearly indicates a distinguishing mark of Christian believers is the quality of their human relationships in the church and family. It is in the spirit of Christ to love and accept, to seek to affirm and build others up, rather than abuse or tear one another down. There is no room among Christ's followers for tyrannical control and the abuse of power or authority. Motivated by their love for Christ, his disciples are called to show respect and concern for the welfare of others, to accept males and females as equals, and to acknowledge every person's right to respect and dignity. Failure to relate to others in this way violates their personhood and devalues human beings created and redeemed by God."1

Richie and Timi's Seminars

For more information about Richie and Timi Brower's ongoing seminar ministry, see their Web site at

An Additional Resource

See the Women's Healing and Empowerment Network, formerly Polly's Place Network, at

1. Taken from the statement on family violence voted by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Administrative Committee on August 27, 1996.

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Featured in: May 2010
