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Treasury Report 2016–2020

The Treasurer and the entire treasury department ensure that financial policies and practices of the North Pacific Union are consistent with general church guidelines and the four basic principles in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP): cost, revenue, matching and disclosure. The treasurer provides monthly financial statements and reports to the Executive Committee members and departmental directors. Yearly budgets are developed by the treasurer and presented to various committees. The treasurer also acts as a counselor to local conference, university and academy treasurers. Department staff take care of human resource benefits and issues, personnel records, payroll and health benefits.

To be honest and accountable stewards of the funds God provides for the fulfilling of His mission through this church.


Fast Facts:

  • The North Pacific Union received a clean, unqualified audit opinion by the General Conference Auditing Service each year during this quinquennium.
  • From 2016–2020, a total of $21,114,273 was given to Walla Walla University by the NPUC and its conferences.
  • During the past five years, $7,656,949 was expensed and appropriated for Evangelism by the Union office.
  • $946,800 was given by the NPUC for Hispanic Scholarships within the K–12 educational program — a 40% increase compared from the previous five years.
  • Tithe received in 2016 through 2020 amounted to $484,152,106. The Union office retained 9% for operations.


  • During the past years, we have assisted all six local conferences in the use and development of our accounting and payroll software package from the North American Division office. Annually, we conducted a treasury council for all conference treasury personnel and academy vice presidents for finance. In this setting, we have discussed changes and developments of church accounting practices and policies, and we created a forum for interactive training. The NPUC mentors its local financial leaders in communicating financial data clearly and distinctly to its constituents.  
  • Each month, we provide a monthly financial statement and report highlighting key indicators and provide tools for financial analysis to our executive board members and departments.  
  • Every year, finance and audit review committees met two or more times to review current finances, audits and budgets, and to make financial recommendations to the executive board.
  • Despite the pandemic years (2020–2022), we maintained operations as well as office hours. Contingencies were developed in preparation for a financial downturn due to pandemic challenges. With the decline of travel and meetings, we were able to use a virtual platform for communications. This has reduced travel and meeting expenses.  
  • Budgets have been developed and provided in a timely fashion each year and month. Participation with the development of the budget is enhanced by officers and department directors. Each department gives input regarding income and expense items for the year.   


  •  Additional funding is needed to help meet the growing diversity in our church. There are capital needs to update and/or provide a place of worship for our growing ethnic groups and companies. Many of our ethnic families cannot afford to send their children to Adventist schools. Changes need to be made to provide elementary and secondary education for all of our members’ children.
  • There is a growing need to increase our funding for internships in all areas of the church. There is a decline of students wishing to enter the ministry or other church employment, such as treasury.
  • Capital Improvements — How do we provide funding for aging physical plants, within areas of ever-increasing costs and property values?
  • Economics — We must prayerfully find ways to decrease expenditures without undermining essential programs and supportive services.
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Featured in: Constituency Report 2022
