You Want Me to go to Prison?

How often have we prayed for God to use us as He sees fit? Then He calls, and we say, "PRISON MINISTRY! You want ME to go in the prisons?"

After coming out of the prison that first time, the picture becomes crystal clear. God doesn't see them any differently than He sees me — we are both broken. It's a humbling experience, especially when some who are incarcerated know their Bibles better than I do and sing hymns by memory.

When someone comes to a service to socialize — along the way, God speaks to their heart, and they come forward to give their life to Christ, it becomes a moment of truth for us all.

The Bible says there are multitudes in the valley of decision, souls longing for a glimmer of hope, yearning for peace and to be set free from within. To think God allows us to participate in His work and witness the transformation — it brings tears to our eyes!

Is God calling you today? Remember Jesus' words in Matthew 25:35–40 and these two promises in Matthew 28:20 and Philippians 4:13. God wants you to be a blessing to others, and in the process He wants to bless you.

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Featured in: December 2009
