McMinnville Roof Opens Windows of Blessings

The McMinnville, Ore., Adventist Christian School (MACS) building has grown with the times, and its various roof lines—proof of its growth—had developed extensive leaks.

To solve the problem, members determined to place one, continuous roof over the whole building, but learned early on that the new roof would create an abundance of extra, unused space.

So, in an act of faith, they decided to add a second story to the building.

Completed in June, the expansion and roofing project has allowed for two new classrooms, a computer lab, a library, and a conference room.

To help stock the new lab, the school recently received a $60,000 matching grant from IBM for new computers and printers, and a security system has been donated.

“The donations of time, money, equipment and supplies has been steadily on the increase as people step forward, wanting to be a part of this miracle,” says Fonda Cox, MACS principal.

“Just this year we have received hall lockers for the students, landscaping that is an inspiration to see, and a refurbished kitchen with a large freezer and two new stoves. Many hours and supplies were donated during the remodeling project, as well.

“When God opened the windows of heaven, He definitely poured out a blessing upon us.” •

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Featured in: September 2002
