Patriotism Keys Troy Community Dinner

Women in the small Adventist church of Troy, Idaho, recently hosted 88 at their congregation’s Annual Community Dinner.

Coordinators and hostesses chose a post-Sept. 11 patriotic theme and used prize-winning patriotic quilts (created by members Darlene Carlson and Alice Reiber) in their decor.

During the Dinner, “Lady Liberty” appeared, played by Cindy Chrowel, as Dixie Hunt led the audience in singing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.”

Chrowel then shared a history of the Statue of Liberty that reminded the group of the great liberties enjoyed by Americans.

During the dinner, special tribute was paid to local business people and teachers, including a 92-year-old former educator. The dinner closed as the entire group sang “God Bless America.”

As they left, many commented, “We just love to come to your church every year.” •

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Featured in: October 2002
