Berglin Ordained In Camp Meeting Service

Brant Berglin, pastor of the Midtown Christian Fellowship Church in Anchorage, Alaska, was ordained Aug. 10 to the gospel ministry. The ceremony was held as part of the annual Palmer Camp Meeting.

A native of Oakland, Calif., Berglin graduated from Modesto Adventist Academy and spent two years at Pacific Union College, before serving for a year as a Taskforce volunteer worker. During that year, he became convinced that he was called by God to the pastoral ministry.

He completed a theology degree at Walla Walla College and interned in Alaska, after marrying Shellie Cox. He completed a Master’s degree in divinity last year at Andrews University.

In addition to his current assignment in Anchorage, Berglin has pastored in the Dillingham, Fairbanks, and North Pole/Delta Junction church districts. While in Anchorage, he plans to plant an additional church in the city. •

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Featured in: November 2002