Three-pronged Evangelism Outreach Brings Estacada Response

“All I have to do, to start a positive conversation, is mention the Yellow House,” said Wes Clark when he returned from passing out “Hope for the Homeland” prophecy seminar flyers in Estacada, Ore.

“Everyone in town seems to know about the good work at our Community Service Center.”

The dedicated work of Arlea Stern, Arline McGuire, and team members, year after year, at the Yellow House has been good groundwork for sharing God’s love in other ways.

Another door-and heart-opener has been the Church’s vacation Bible school program, held less than a month earlier.

The highlight of the Sabbath-afternoon graduation was a slide show of activities, prepared by Helen Halley with photography by Dave McGuire and Alysha Schmitt.

Providing food and clothing through the Yellow House, meeting new friends at vacation Bible school, and sharing God’s love and hope for the future through Hope for the Homeland programs are all vital ingredients for outreach in the little town of Estacada, tucked away in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains on the banks of the Clackamas River. •

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Featured in: November 2002
