Tillamook Adventist School Puts on Thanksgiving Play

Just before Thanksgiving, 129 of the 130 Tillamook School students helped put on the play called “Harvest Festivals Through the Ages,” written by their librarian, Mildred Thompson Olson.

The play traced the history of Harvest Festivals in Canaan, then Israel, Greece, Rome, Medieval England (The Reapers), Elizabethan England, Holland, and early America, in the Coopham Colony, in the Plymouth Colony, and in all the years that have followed in America.

While the students had very little experience speaking in public or with acting, they loved the rehearsals and really looked forward to presenting the hour-long play to their families and the community.

Nearly 400 people came to see the play in the Tillamook Adventist School’s (TAS) new gymnasium. Church members and parents helped with the music, video, PA system, programs, stage, props, and costuming. Students in the first and second grades memorized the scripture and spoke it in unison and the third and fourth graders presented the welcome.

Students at TAS come from 16 different churches in the community. Thirty-one of the students come from Adventist homes.

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Featured in: February 2003