Winter Quarter Begins With Week of Prayer

Walla Walla College students, faculty, and staff returning from the Christmas holiday season, were given extra reminders of the importance of prayer during the second week of classes. Week of Prayer, organized by the Associated Students of Walla Walla College (ASWWC), featured a dozen students speaking their hearts during daily chapel services, Friday night vespers, and Sabbath church service.

The Week of Prayer meetings were well attended and were supplemented by daily calls for prayer throughout the day.

Each weekday at 11:40 a.m. the campus gravitated to the College Church where two students spoke. The speakers had different approaches and topics varied, but a unifying theme was the importance of focusing on God.

“God has the ultimate, most wonderful plan for each one of us,” said Don Mansell, senior business major.

“What is most important in your life?” asked Erin Jones, sophomore journalism major. “Once your focus is on God, and once your life is focused on Jesus, everything falls into place.”

“You are valuable because God loves you,” said Will Frei, junior theology major.

Additional weekday speakers included: Jackie Mathis, junior elementary education major; R.J. Henneberg, sophomore pre-dentistry; Jay Melashenko, junior theology major; Michelle Mayle, sophomore undecided; Summer Bockmann, junior health science major; Allison Bacon, junior pre-medicine; and Jeff Smith, junior business major.

Terrance Taylor, sophomore theology major, presented Friday night vespers, and Risha Opp, freshman biology major, delivered the sermon on Sabbath. •

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Featured in: March 2003
