Young Professionals Making a Difference

“God, please lead the Young Professionals Ministry to the place You would have us hold our Fall 2002 retreat,” I prayed. Little did I know, that a non-Adventist pastor was praying, “Lord, send young adults to reach my community for Jesus.” September 2002 neared and our site on the Oregon coast secured, I made a visit to it a week early. While driving through the little village, I passed the local chapel and discovered an open door and decided to check it out. Greeted by a retired couple, I enquired about using the chapel and was informed the church was closed due to low attendance. However the pastor could be contacted.

Less than a week later, our group of seventeen young adults descended on the village and visited more than 250 homes with a free CD “Real Hope for Real People,” visiting and praying with them and extending an invitation to an evening worship service that Sabbath. Six villagers came, one of them a former member—Mary. Following our evening of music and a gospel message, we handed out two books on health and prayed with each person.

Three months exactly, to the day, we returned to the Oregon coast for a Christmas program in December. We again visited door-to-door with a free gift, “The Gospel of John,” and extended an invitation to the villagers. Twenty-five attended, and at the close of the evening, begged us to return.

Two young adults who joined us in September, took their stand that weekend to be re-baptized. Today, the Young Professionals Ministry is thrilled to share that God is opening doors for us to continue to work on the Oregon coast with this church. And we keep praying for more! In less than two years with an internet presence, the Young Professionals Ministry is reaching more than 71 countries around the world. Our next big project in Canada is at Whistler, May 1-6. Young adults from across North America will come together to build friendships with God and each other. Jaime Jorge and his wife Emily will join us for evangelism in the community through his music and testimony.

Please join the Young Professionals Ministry in praying for these outreach/evangelism projects. Share with your churches and tell young adults. Our events are great for young adults who have never been Adventists, and young adults who are taking a break from the church, as attested to by the fact that between a third and half of those attending fit in this category. And, they are coming back! Visit our website and subscribe to receive regular updates to our e-newsletter which has something for everyone. Connect today and catch the vision of sharing Christ with the world! •

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Featured in: April 2003
