Winter Camp Meetings Tour Western Alaska

From Anchorage to Gambell, from Barrow to Dillingham, this year’s itinerary took a variety of camp meeting speakers through snow, wind, rain, fog, and sunshine as the Alaska mobile camp meeting made its way through the wild weather of March.

Don Schneider, North American Division (NAD) president, and his wife Marti, Director of Programs for Global Mission, along with NAD Multilingual Ministries vice president Manuel Vasquez and his wife Nancy, preached in urban Anchorage, the villages of Gambell and Savoonga, and Nome.

In Bethel, British Columbia native pastor Herb Desjarlais and Jim Kincaid, Alaska Conference executive secretary and pilot, spoke for this part of the circuit. Desjarlais, a guitar-picking, country gospel singing preacher was a hit at each location.

From Bethel, the group descended on Selawik in a snowstorm, then moved to Barrow and Dillingham. Monte Church, North Pacific Union Conference Native Ministries director, joined the team to bring a blessing to a scattered flock. People hungry for fellowship and a word from the Lord were found at each and every stop.

Revival is breaking out in the Alaska outback. God be praised! •

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Featured in: May 2003
