Goldendale Baptism

Shirley Magnuson felt the need to come back to the church she had been away from for so long. For the past year and a half, she has been reaching out to the Adventist church by completing the Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible studies and the Amazing Facts lessons. Robert Snell, Goldendale (Wash.) Church Discover Bible school coordinator, worked with her on the studies. The Holy Spirit was working on her heart, convicting her to come home. Shirley’s sister and brother-in-law in Alaska were praying for her. Wes and Jackie Parker, Goldendale members, studied with her as well. After much study and prayer, Shirley was rebaptized on March 15. Shirley and her husband, Lonnie, make their home in Warwick, near Goldendale.

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Featured in: June 2003
