North Pacific Union Pathfinder Clubs Demonstrate Their Knowledge of II Kings

Twenty-six Pathfinder clubs from around North America participated in the 2003 Invitational/Division-level Pathfinder Bible Achievement Program, formerly known as the “Bible Bowl,” which took place at the Village Church in Berrien Springs, Mich., on April 12.

In order to make it to the division-level event, a club had to earn a first-place score in its area, conference, and union-level Bible achievement programs. Clubs must score 90 percent or more of the highest score posted for first place, 80–90 percent for second place, and 79 percent or below for third place. Fifteen teams earned a first-place score in this year’s division-level event, including the Sandy (Ore.) Mountaineers. Also representing the North Pacific Union were the High Desert (Bend, Ore.) and Apple Valley (Rock Island, Wash.) clubs earning second and third-place scores, respectively.

Each year a book of the Bible is selected to be the subject of the 90 questions asked during the program. This year the topic was II Kings. Questions were asked by Terry Dodge, Michigan Conference Pathfinder director and Pathfinder Bible Achievement Program author and director, and displayed on a large screen. Once a question was asked, clubs had just 10 seconds to begin writing their answers. A panel of experts, comprised of Andrews University theologians, was on hand to deal with answers that were challenged or in need of verification.

“The whole program was started with the idea of giving the Pathfinders the opportunity to get into Bible study and learn more about the Bible, book by book,” says Dodge, who began the program, then known as the Pathfinder Bible Bowl, in 1988 in the Rocky Mountain Conference. “It is a challenging program that involves the entire church—pastors, teachers, club leaders, coaches. It involves lots of people, and the kids can always come out on top if they choose to study hard enough.”

Next year’s event is planned for April 17 at Pioneer Memorial Church in Berrien Springs. Proverbs will be the subject and, as Dodge pointed out, many of the clubs that participated in the 2003 event probably already began studying the book of Proverbs on the way home from Berrien Springs.

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Featured in: June 2003
