Evangelism: by Students for Students

When students preach, students listen. With record numbers opening night, the annual In-Tents meetings kicked off its series entitled, “Why Did They Come?” This year’s meetings, presented solely by student speakers under a bright yellow tent, addressed the drawing power of Jesus.

“The talks were really good. They made me think,” said Steve Porter, senior business major.

This year’s speakers were: Troy Ahrens, senior theology major; Allison Bacon, junior pre-medicine major; Melissa McGinnis, junior elementary education major; Troy Roberts, Improv Church taskforce worker; Terrance Taylor, sophomore theology major; and Howard Vandermark, senior theology major.

“In-Tents is about creating an informal, natural and upbeat location in which to share the gospel with one another,” said Bacon. “It’s like camp meeting, but better.”

“I just praise God for bringing people to Him,” said Roberts.

In-Tents, now in its 11th year, was originally an event presented by students enrolled in an evangelistic speaking class. After the class was no longer available, outside speakers were called in to speak for the week-long series. However, this year students once again stepped up front to head the meetings.

“Students can speak to students like no one else can,” said Pedrito Maynard-Reid, vice president for spiritual life and mission. “I want students with an evangelistic zeal to feel they can take part in a meeting like this and help to change the lives of their fellow students.”

Future plans include rotating from year to year with students and outside speakers. Next year’s In-Tents meetings, happening May 8-13, will feature Sam Leonor, La Sierra University chaplain.

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Featured in: August 2003