Hispanic Congregation Granted Church Status

Sabbath was a day of rejoicing when the Hispanic congregation of the Brewster (Wash.) Church was granted full church status on April 26 and 64 baptized adults and youth signed the book as charter members.

There to celebrate with recollections was the first pastor, Jeremias Miguel, with wife Sofia. The exciting day included a sermon by Max Torkelsen II, Upper Columbia Conference president, and dedicatory prayers by various conference and local officers and leaders.

As members gathered to sign the charter, Juanita Mejia was recognized as the first convert baptized during the church's beginnings. She helped the group honor their first Brewster pastor with a framed picture presented to the Miguels, recently retired in Texas.

The congregation and visitors shared a fellowship potluck feast at the school gym before a group broke away to sing favorite hymns with the residents of Hillcrest House, an assisted living home.

The newly organized Hispanic church, though appreciative of sharing space with the English congregation, is now intent on getting its own building in the near future.

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Featured in: August 2003
