Russian Adventist Church in Spokane

Our society is rich in extraordinary individuals, whose energy and outstanding gifts awaken the hearts of people. One of those people is the pastor of the Russian Church in Spokane, Wash., Vladimir Titkov.

Two years ago, he came to Spokane at the invitation of the Upper Columbia Conference to establish a Russian church. He was one of the best pastors of Russia, a man of deep biblical knowledge and a very intelligent, educated and talented teacher.

For two years, Titkov has been leading the Spokane church and has ministered to prison inmates. His family helps with services and opened a Christian music school for kids and adults from different denominations. The pastor’s whole family works to strengthen the church and help it grow.

Most refugees from the former Soviet Union belong to Baptist or Pentecostal denominations. The way to the true meaning of Jesus’ teaching is very hard, especially for those who have already learned some dogma and have strong family and church traditions, customs and ties. Some have been instructed by their pastors to not come into contact with the Adventist teaching under the threat of ruining their business and families and being expelled from the church.

Work in the church is Titkov’s joy and pain—joy because the church is growing and gains strength, and pain because the growth isn’t as fast as he would like. But he doesn’t lose faith.

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Featured in: August 2003