Adventist Communicators to Meet in Sunny Orlando

The Society of Adventist Communicators (SAC) will hold its annual meeting on Oct. 9-12, 2003, in sunny Orlando, Fla. This year's theme is "Putting the Magic in Communication."

SAC is committed to networking Adventists in North America who work in the communication industry as writers, editors, videographers, Web designers, broadcasters and many other fields. The organization originally began in 1988 as the Southern Society of Adventist Communicators. A vote to open it up nationally was cast 1999 in Huntsville, Ala., to include all Adventist communicators across the United States. The first national convention was in 2000 in Silver Spring, Md.

Registrants of the 2003 convention will enjoy networking opportunities as well as breakout sessions on topics such as media training, running a radio interview show, etiquette at a business lunch, why people visit your Web site, professional ethics, how to be a mentor (how to be mentored), writing humor for a church audience, and much more. "Networking with communication peers who share common professional interests and distinctive Adventist values is what our members appreciate most about the Society," said Rita Waterman, SAC president and assistant vice president of corporate communication for Adventist Health in California.

In addition to the seminars at SAC Convention 2003, Adventist Communication Network will host SONscreen II. The goal of SONscreen II is to showcase the works of upcoming film producers and to inspire and empower them to be more active in the Adventist church with whatever talents they possess. Registrants for SONscreen II will also have the opportunity to meet many other film industry professionals including Rick Swartzwelder, an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, and Karen Kirkland, who for the last 12 years has been involved in various areas of the film/production industry from serving as the producer of the Los Angeles Film Festival to starting her own business.

Immediately preceding the SAC convention, the North American Division will present "When Bad Things Happen to God Organizations-II," a crisis management seminar for churches and church-related organizations. The all-day seminar will be held Thursday, Oct. 9, at the SAC location.

For more information about SAC and to register for the convention, please visit For more information about SONscreen II, please visit And for more information about the crisis seminar, please visit events.htm.

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Featured in: September 2003
