VBS Children Share with Bangladesh

Children learned the joy of sharing God’s love by bringing 57 small toys for orphans in Bangladesh to the Super Cool Undersea Bible Adventure (SCUBA) Vacation Bible School in Pendleton, Ore. One young boy gave eight of his own toy cars. Pilot Rock (Ore.) and Mission Native American (Pendleton) VBS youngsters also contributed toys to the project.

Volunteers transformed the Harris Jr. Academy cafeteria into an undersea illusion with blue and green “kelp.” Here students met in the “underwater” assembly station. “It was a spectacular environment of real things, giving a realistic undersea setting,” recalled Joy Stewart.

The daily programs included "Splish Splash Songs" and skits with members of Sonmer Ministry. Crew leaders then led groups of children to the various learning stations at the signal of a conch shell.

Dan Cole, associate pastor, taught the Bible story at the “dock.” To illustrate lessons, Paul Zummach played roles of a fireman at Elijah’s altar, a snoring Jonah and a Roman soldier. At Chadder’s Undersea Adventures, Jim Robinson showed a video of Chadder the Chipmunk, who learned the Bible lesson as he helped solve a deep-sea mystery.

Children made their own themed snacks at the Undersea Diner. Super-charged outdoor games proved popular during the hot July days. Deep sea crafts included a sea life wave bottle and sea turtles.

The SCUBA kids and their leaders shared a Friday evening program with parents and families. Guests watched the children in a VBS video, toured the deep-sea stations and enjoyed themed refreshments. Of the 53 children who attended VBS, 32 were either unchurched or from other churches. In five days the children had dived deeper into a relationship with God, learned how to pray and shared with others across the ocean.

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Featured in: October 2003