Creative Open House Trains New Church Officers

The Sweet Home (Ore.) Church held their first open house and orientation workshop on Sunday, June 29, to orient members to the church offices that they had accepted for the new year. It featured booths or tables for each of the primary church functions including worship, children's ministries, Sabbath School, outreach, deacons, elders and deaconesses.

Non-members were welcomed and oriented to church functions and beliefs through materials and visiting with members.

Each booth included job descriptions for that office. People that had served in each office were available to talk to new officers and share their knowledge of what the job entails. Visuals and props provided interest and added to the festive nature of the event.

The event was organized by Tawny Sportsman, who recently moved from Alaska with her family. As worship coordinator, she has worked hard to enhance church programs. This event showed the intensity and effectiveness of her work.

Delicious Gardenburgers, relish trays, chips and drinks enabled people to stay and visit and encouraged fellowship. No tables were provided for eating in order to promote mingling among guests and members.

This was a most productive event to usher in the new church year. Members look forward to making this an annual event and encourage other churches to do likewise.

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Featured in: November 2003
