Oregon Youth Challenge Changing Lives, One Knock at a Time

"Hello!, my name is——. I am working my way through school, and I have something special to show you. Please take a look!"

At the more than 26,000 doors Oregon Youth Challenge (OYC) particpants contacted, people heard this friendly refrain as the power-packed team of youth evangelists shared Jesus this summer.

The team of 15 youth ages 16 through 28 prayed with more than 3,000 people, placed nearly 2,500 books and sold more than $30,000 worth of Christ-centered books.

With their cheerful spirits and prayerful hearts these young people won the hearts of many people and were blessed themselves by pointing spiritually hungry souls to a loving Savior. Here are two of their stories:

Svetlana Danilich, from Portland, Ore. and originally from the Ukraine, says: "On a street in Roseburg, when I knocked on a door, the lady who opened the door had been crying. She listened to my canvass but told me she didn’t have any money, but she would like to get the book later. I explained about the prophecy seminar and personal Bible study that would soon be offered in her community. She signed up without hesitation."

Veronica Trude, from McMinnville, Ore., says: "A woman came to the door practically in tears. She said it was not a good time because her son had just died. Something told me to ask to pray with her. I asked, and she accepted! As we prayed I could feel that God had led me there and that He was working through me. It was awesome to realize right then and there how God could use me."

Young people, age 16 and older, who would like to enjoy similar life-changing experiences are urged to contact Lorraine Anderson at (503) 695-5329 or land224@myexcel.com for more information.

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Featured in: November 2003
