Pathfinder Missionaries Visit Alaska Villages

Twenty Pathfinder missionaries from the Iowa-Missouri Conference descended on the isolated Alaska villages of Togiak and Bethel in June for a week-long presentation of Jesus through friendship evangelism and Vacation Bible Schools. This was the second summer for the group to be in Togiak.

“These Pathfinders recognize that Alaska is a vast mission field right in our own country where it is safe and close,” remarked Mike Hansen, one of the organizers of the trip. “We have been invited to two additional villages next summer.” There are more than 200 villages that could be served.

Togiak is a fishing village of approximately 900 people, mostly Yupik Eskimos, a generally warm, friendly people. They have depended on fish and local game for their subsistence for centuries. Being cut off from the road system, the only way they receive outside supplies is by barge and small plane.

To see more photos of the trip, go to

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Featured in: December 2003
