The Adventist Logo

The official logo of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a recognizable anchor for both church members and the public. It assures the viewer that a church (as in a church sign) or letter can be trusted as a representative and official part of the church. It creates a simple symbol that, used repetitively, becomes familiar and recognizable anywhere in the world. This “signature” of our church is more than a collection of symbolic references. While the individual elements represent the beliefs and mission of the church, the design as a whole is intended to reflect the spirit and character of this world church movement. The logo or signature includes two parts: the logotype, which is the words “Seventh-day Adventist Church,” and the graphic symbol itself as explained here.

The Cross

The symbol of the cross, representing the gospel of salvation, is positioned in the center of the design to emphasize Christ’s sacrifice, the central theme of the Christian message and of our faith.

"God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world" (Gal. 6:14).

The Open Bible

The Bible forms the base of the design and represents the Biblical foundation of our beliefs. It is shown in a fully opened position, suggesting a full acceptance of God’s word and daily use of it in the life of the church and its members.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim. 3:16,17).

The Flame

The overall shape forms a flame symbolic of the Holy Spirit and its role in the life and ministry of the church as the enabling power that accomplishes both individual renewal and corporate unity in sharing the message of salvation. The flame symbolically points upward to the resurrection at Christ’s second coming, the ultimate focus of our message.

"Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit…dividing to every man severally as He will" (1 Cor. 12:4, 11).

The Three Angels

The three lines in the flame represent the three angels of Revelation 14 circling the globe, taking the everlasting gospel to the entire world, which is implied by the curved shape of the flame. The three angels' messages rise from the open Bible centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ and are central to the unique calling and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of the heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kindred, and tongue and people" (Rev. 14:6).

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Featured in: January 2004


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