Quartet Shares Music, Worship and Fellowship

Only "enthusiastic interaction" can adequately describe the concert presented by the quartet CHOSEN (Children Holding Our Savior Eternally Near) at the Lewistown (Mont.) Church on a Friday evening last fall.

Sponsored by the Montana Conference summer ministries program, CHOSEN members Andrew Cockerham, Tim Browning, Mike Unterseher and Michael Lee performed at churches across Montana, including Choteau, Big Timber, Billings, Bozeman, Bridger, Butte, Great Falls, Lewistown and Roundup.

At Lewistown, quartet members first dispersed among the audience, getting acquainted with church members and visitors. After a brief introduction, the a cappella music began as Browning stood up in the audience and began the song. Then one by one the rest of CHOSEN stood, joined the song and moved through the audience on their way to the front.

The lively arrangements and heartfelt testimonies offered by the quartet members held the attention of both children and adults. The four members moved around the audience, shaking hands, slapping "five" with children and making direct eye contact with those listening. As one five-year-old said after the concert, "He was smiling at me!" Laughter erupted when Unterseher told his story of maturity, fear and things that went thump in the night. Each singer in turn shared from scripture and experience about God's love for His children.

CHOSEN was formed during the 2000–01 school year while Lee and Unterseher were students at Mt. Ellis Academy in Bozeman, Mont.

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Featured in: February 2004
