Sow 1 Billion

Sow 1 Billion is a world-church initiative with an extraordinary goal—to distribute one billion special invitations to study the Bible. Adventist members around the globe of all ages, backgrounds and experiences are being part of this unprecedented effort to connect people with God's word. A mere one-percent response rate will result in 10 million requests for Bible studies.

Each division of the world church has designed its own brochures in various languages offering ways to request Bible studies through a local Bible Correspondence School or by visiting, a special Web site established to offer online Bible lessons in up to 100 different languages.

Printing and distribution has started in many regions. The church in Inter-America has printed 130 million brochures in five languages. In Northern Asia-Pacific, distribution started on the first week of September 2003 with the goal of sharing more than 58 million brochures in six different languages. Southern Asia-Pacific and South America have also begun distributing brochures, with a goal to reach millions of people in dozens of languages.

For an entire week in mid-September, every employee of the South Philippine office, including janitors, secretaries, department heads and the president, visited 20 major cities and distributed 500,000 Sow 1 Billion brochures. In November, members on the Caribbean island of Grenada handed out 50,000 brochures in one afternoon. Though numbering only 4,000, Taiwan's Adventists are distributing eight million.

North America is set to begin in early 2004 with a total of 25 million invitations distributed either personally or by mail. To find out more about Sow 1 Billion in your area, contact your local conference.

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Featured in: February 2004

