Web Site and Telephone Lead to Baptism

Sometimes coming fully to God takes time—15 years in the case of Dale Van Sandt, a new Eagle River Valley Church (Eagle River, Alaska) member. Long ago, his was a lifestyle of selfishness and instant gratification. When he lost Lori, the only woman he ever loved, and his yet-to-be-born son, he returned to his childhood Alaska and there found God.

About 18 months ago, Van Sandt was contacted by Lori, who had returned to the Adventist Church in which she was raised. She wanted to know where Van Sandt stood with God before he finally met his son. Thus began discussions that convinced him he was still missing a complete relationship with God. By telephone, Lori and Van Sandt studied the 27 fundamental Adventist beliefs they found on Anchorage's Hillside-O’Malley Church Web site.

Once while returning from a hike, Van Sandt was wishing that there was an Adventist church in his area. Just then he looked up and saw the sign for the Eagle River Valley Church. “I had literally been given a sign,” Van Sandt said. “I attended the very next Sabbath and asked to be baptized.”

Today, Van Sandt is actively involved with a number of the church’s ministries, including a recently completed evangelistic series that resulted in four baptisms. Van Sandt seeks to “keep working for the Lord in whatever way I can.”

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Featured in: February 2004
