LAA Provides Knowledge and More

Ashley Ward, a senior at Livingstone Adventist Academy (LAA), has discovered just how great the positive effects of a Christian school can be. “Livingstone has been one of the best things that has happened in my life, on so many different levels,” she said.

As well as previously attending public school, Ward experienced a rather difficult childhood, which impacted a lot of the choices she made. “Before I came to Livingstone, I was easily thrown off track and tempted to do things I now have no desire to do," she explained.

LAA has made a big difference for Ward academically as well. She is more motivated to get her work done and achieve better grades. She has a desire to learn and understand. “I have the ITBS scores to prove it,” she declared. They changed drastically in just one year.

The most drastic changes, however, have come from within. When Ward first came to Livingstone, she met students who were unlike the people she had associated with at her old schools. “Their language, clothing, presence and overall perspective were different,” she said.

And the difference extended further. "At Livingstone, you have teachers that are not simply teachers," Ward said. “You build unbelievable friendships and learn to trust them. You know you can always talk to them because they are interested in your life.”

The longer Ward has been at LAA, the more she has felt like she can truly open up and be herself. With this came a relationship with Jesus Christ that continues to grow every day. Ward lights up a room with her presence just by walking into it, but she shines with a Light that is even brighter.

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Featured in: July 2004
