Kettle Falls CHIPers Graduate

Kettle Falls CHIPers Graduate Twenty-two participants graduated recently from the Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP) offered by the Kettle Falls (Wash.) Church. During the month-long program, the average weight loss was nearly six pounds, and cholesterol and triglycerides were significantly lowered. These reductions were achieved, in part, by daily exercise, which included a combined total of 1,250 miles walked in one month. This has become an annual outreach to the community of Kettle Falls with nearly 75 graduates to date. George and Janice Enquist coordinated the program and were assisted by doctors Barry Bacon and Bill Catelli and at least 10 other volunteers. Hans Diehl, CHIP founder, conducted a CHIP rally in Kettle Falls and met with area coordinators on July 5.

Kettle Falls CHIPers Graduate

Twenty-two participants graduated recently from the Coronary Health Improvement Project (CHIP) offered by the Kettle Falls (Wash.) Church. During the month-long program, the average weight loss was nearly six pounds, and cholesterol and triglycerides were significantly lowered. These reductions were achieved, in part, by daily exercise, which included a combined total of 1,250 miles walked in one month.

This has become an annual outreach to the community of Kettle Falls with nearly 75 graduates to date. George and Janice Enquist coordinated the program and were assisted by doctors Barry Bacon and Bill Catelli and at least 10 other volunteers.

Hans Diehl, CHIP founder, conducted a CHIP rally in Kettle Falls and met with area coordinators on July 5.

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Featured in: August 2004
