Gladstone Park Holds Daniel Seminar

The Gladstone Park Church sponsored a Daniel Seminar from February through March at the Abernethy Center in Oregon City, Oregon. Follow-up meetings were held in the church's fellowship room in April.

Leroy Klein, local elder and seminar speaker, said that the average attendance was 80, including church members. He also reported that 14 visitors signed up for baptism, and a visitation program is underway.

Part of the success of the seminar was due to 30,000 flyers mailed to nearby zip codes. When Paul Johnson, Gladstone Park senior pastor, baptized Shirley Zwahlen on July 17, he interviewed her in front of the congregation. "Shirley, how did you learn of Seventh-day Adventists?" he asked.

"About 20 years ago Dorothy Ringering, a local church member, gave me Bible studies. I also took the Voice of Prophecy lessons. Recently I received a flyer in the mail to attend the meetings at Abernethy Center."

"What impressed you the most at the meetings?" Johnson asked.

"The speaker seemed to look right at me. He made the Bible clearer than ever before using history for the book of Daniel."

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Featured in: October 2004
