Traxler Ordained

Brad Traxler, Kenai-Homer district pastor, was ordained on July 31 in the Kenai (Alaska) Church. The service was well attended by members of both Kenai and Homer churches. Jim Kincaid, Alaska Conference executive secretary, and Neil Biloff, Alaska Conference ministerial director, attended.

Traxler felt a life-long call to ministry. He says he first felt God calling when he was only 7 years old. “I realized very young that God was calling me to be a pastor, but it took until I was 39 to begin full-time ministry,” he explained. “God opened doors by sending us more than $55,000 over three years of college.”

After working in Alaska as a literature evangelist in the early 1990s, Traxler went back to Southern Adventist University for a bachelor's degree, worked for a time in the Iowa-Missouri Conference and then came back to Alaska at the first opportunity.

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Featured in: October 2004
