Post Falls Sanctuary Dedication Caps High Weekend

When the Post Falls (Idaho) Church hosted an agape feast for their district on Friday night Oct. 22, the Otis Orchards (Wash.) Church joined them.

Following the joint communion, there was a joint baptismal service—the first in the church in its 27-year history. The baptistry had been put in as part of the remodeling project this year. Formerly all baptisms were in other churches or in lakes or creeks, until this special weekend. Close friends or family members were allowed to actually assist with the baptism of their loved ones.

Following the service, the members of both churches united in prayer for the candidates. It was a special night and a historic date—the beginning of a fifth generation of Adventists.

The Post Falls Church family dedicated their sanctuary Sabbath morning, Oct. 23, 2004. Perely Smith, along with Aubrey and Whilman Clure, were honored as charter members who had faithfully served their church for the past 27 years. Honorable mention was made of those who had served as pastors of the Post Falls Church: J. D. (Jewell) Bolejack (1977–1984); Jim McLain (1985–1989); and Clinton Schultz (1990–2000).

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Featured in: January 2005
