Adventurer Is Baptized

The Richland Orcas Adventurers had Eric Shadle, their pastor, talk with them about baptism for the worship portion of one of their weekly meetings. One of the Adventurers, Nathaniel Harwood, was studying for baptism.

Harwood has a gift of helpfulness and was able to work with Shadle to communicate with the rest of the group about what baptism means. Shadle and Harwood demonstrated the steps that take place in the baptismal service. Harwood was baptized the following Sabbath in the Richland Church by Keith Hanson, the pastor that had studied with him in preparation for baptism.

A number of the Adventurers attended. Watching the baptism had a greater impact on them because they had an understanding of what baptism was about.

Hanson told a story about Harwood during the baptismal service. He said that Harwood had a deep love for Jesus and had been asking to be baptized for three years. Pastor Hanson and Harwood's parents thought he was too young to understand and make that commitment. They continued giving him more Bible studies and books to read in preparation for baptism. He diligently completed each study with great enthusiasm and demonstrated such a deep understanding that they had to concede that he was ready to be baptized.

Even though the Adventist Church celebrates open communion, Harwood's family continues with the tradition that children should wait until after they are baptized to participate in the ordinance. Harwood looked forward to participating in communion, so he chose to be baptized on a communion Sabbath. A number of extended family members were there to honor and support him in his decision, and Harwood celebrated his first communion foot-washing service with his father.

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Featured in: March 2005


Anita Lebold

Tri-City Adventist School board growth and marketing committee chairwoman