An Evening of Blessing

The Richland Orcas Adventurer Club had a "blessing ceremony" on Dec. 15, 2004. The Adventurer blessing ceremony is based on the biblical practice of parents honoring their children with blessings and provides an opportunity for families to publicly recognize the value of their children and paint a picture for them of hope for the future.

The Orcas Adventurer Club adapted concepts from books by Gary Smalley and John Trent to help prepare for the blessing ceremony. They held the ceremony near the Christmas holiday to recognize the blessing of Christ's birth and the opportunity to focus on that aspect of the holiday rather than a party or gift exchange. In addition to receiving blessings, the club members were able to bless other children by participating in a mission project for the Bangladesh Christian School Sponsorship organization.

The ceremony was attended by 24 children and 20 parents, grandparents, and other relatives. Each family prepared and read a blessing to their precious child. It was a very emotional and spiritual time, and the kids really enjoyed listening to their parents honor them.

Julie Settlemeier wrote her child, Jaeleah, a blessing song and sang it to her. She also added a verse of blessing for the whole Adventurer club. It was a very uplifting evening for both the Adventurers and families that were in attendance. God's presence was surely in the room that evening, and everyone was blessed.

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Featured in: March 2005
