Young Adult Profile

Name: Doug Landis

Age: 26

Occupation: Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) installer while pursuing a nursing degree.

Home church: Glendoveer Church

What do you look for in a church?

A quality of caring and a commitment to growth in Christ.

How did you know you had found your home church?

In my experimental teenage years, I was not judged by my outward appearance. I also met my beautiful wife there.

How are you involved in your local church?

I'm an elder, director of men’s ministry, and a drummer on the worship team.

How did you get involved in your church?

I was appointed as an elder and men’s director, and I volunteered on the worship team.

Why is it important for young adults to be active in their local churches?

I have witnessed a wonderful vitality that has directly increased with the number of young adults in our congregation. Young adults can provide fresh ideas and vibrant energy in the church family. These are crucial times in our lives when large decisions are usually made in regard to career, family, and faith. The wealth of support and wisdom that a church family can provide, in these times especially, is invaluable.

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Featured in: March 2005