Young Adult Profile Laurel Reid

Name: Laurel Reid

Age: 22

Occupation: Western Oregon University student

Home church: New Life at Glendoveer Church

What do you look for in a church?

I look for a church that is friendly and more like a family than a club. The church should be open and accepting of different people and new ideas. It is also important that the church is balanced between personal ministry and outreach.

How did you know you had found your home church?

The first time my husband and I visited New Life, we were immediately greeted by a constant stream of people. The special part was that we didn’t simply exchange names. They also wanted to know where we were from, what brought us there, and what kind of people we were. They were extremely genuine and really CARED about our lives. We were invited to a family’s home for lunch and had a great time getting to know everyone. Each time we returned to the church, we found this same greeting from family after family. We also found that their ministry was treated in the same manner, genuine and pure with wholly devoted hearts. We knew we had to be a part of it.

How are you involved in your local church?

I lead a praise team, do the children’s story, and lead Toddler Time once a month. I also attend the college and careers Sabbath School and have just become interest coordinator. I like to visit with people over Sabbath lunch and during gym night.

How did you get involved in your church?

For most of my ministries, I mentioned that I felt I had skills in that area. Being a small church, the leaders jumped at a chance to have help. I love working with kids and leading music, and I have felt God call me to this ministry. I was appointed as interest coordinator, but I know that it is also a calling from God.

Why is it important for young adults to be active in their local churches?

I believe that God wants us to believe in Him and to live a life devoted to doing His will. Fellowship and ministry are highly important to God, and so I believe it should also be highly important to us. Being involved in the church is beneficial for our relationship with God and for God's works in the world.

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Featured in: March 2005