Grants Pass Celebrates Three Baptisms

March 19 was a high Sabbath for the Grants Pass (Ore.) Church. On that day, three people committed their lives to Jesus Christ through baptism. But this was no ordinary baptism. Bob Werner, better known as “Big Bob” due to his 6-foot-8-inch frame, had attended several evangelistic meetings over a five-year period, but had never made the decision to be baptized. However, the Holy Spirit spoke so clearly to him recently, that he stepped forward in faith and made the decision to commit himself to the Lord. Marvin Clark, Grants Pass' vertically challenged pastor, had to recruit two members to assist him with Werner’s baptism.

We all know that the Lord works through evangelists and pastors to lead people into the church, but 8-year-old Cody Barrows was used by God to lead David and Avonia Heizman to a relationship with Him. Cody, a young member of the Grants Pass Church, goes swimming at the YMCA several times a week with his grandparents, Frank and Winifred Barrows. David and Avonia Heizman, an older couple, also were attending the YMCA where they met Cody. As they swam, Cody began to witness to these two dear people about Jesus and invited them to his church. Soon his grandparents began Bible studies with them and now they are baptized members.

There are many people out there in the world that would attend church if invited, that would engage in Bible studies if invited, and would invite Jesus into their hearts to be Lord and Saviour of their lives, if only they were invited to. For those of us that are discouraged and think our witness will never make a difference or do any saving good, let this be a lesson. It doesn’t take skill, knowledge, or eloquence to lead people to Christ. It takes only a willingness to be used by God, a willingness even an 8-year-old can have. This is His work, not ours. Jesus is the One who sends forth the invitation to follow Him. Our job is simply to pass on that invitation.

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Featured in: June 2005
