Nicaragua 2005

Thirty-six people went to Nicaragua on the Oregon Conference teen Pathfinder mission trip, March 17, to help the International Children’s Care Orphanage with preparations for their new building site. We ended up digging a septic tank hole. A couple of the tools we used would be considered antique in America. It was a lot of hard work, and yet it was fun and rewarding.

Sabbath and in the evenings we had the opportunity to spend time with the children who live in the orphanage. Each of us were paired up with one of the kids who became our little “brother” or “sister.” We did several fun activities with the orphanage children, and they brought joy into our lives while we were there.

The thing that made an impression on me was the way the local people worshipped on Sabbath. They came on horses, bicycles and by foot. Their singing was so beautiful, and they didn’t seem to care what they were sitting on or kneeling on, they just seemed grateful for what God had provided.

After seeing this, it made me thankful for the comfortable benches, air conditioning, and nice carpet that I have at my church. It made me realize that I need to go to church to worship and praise God, and not just to see and talk with my friends. The whole trip was an awesome experience, and I can hardly wait to go on my next mission trip.

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Featured in: June 2005
